Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Daily Saint - இன்றைய புனிதர் (7-09-2022)

 † இன்றைய புனிதர் †

(செப்டம்பர் 7)
✠ புனிதர் கிளவுட் ✠
(St. Cloud)
மடாதிபதி/ ஒப்புரவாளர்:
(Abbot and Confessor)
பிறப்பு: கி.பி. 522
வெசைலஸ், ஃபிரான்சு
(Versailles, France)
இறப்பு: கி.பி. 560
நோஜென்ட்-சுர்-செய்ன், ஃபிரான்ஸ்
(Nogent-sur-Seine, France)
ஏற்கும் சமயம்:
ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க திருச்சபை
(Roman Catholic Church)
கிழக்கு மரபுவழி திருச்சபை
(Eastern Orthodox Church)
முக்கிய திருத்தலம்:
தூய கிளவுட் தேவாலயம், ஃபிரான்ஸ்
(Saint-Cloud, France)
மின்னசோட்டா மற்றும் தூய கிளவுட் மறைமாவட்டம்
உடலில் தோன்றும் ஒருவித கட்டிகளுக்கெதிராக (Carbuncles)
ஆணி தயாரிப்போர்
நினைவுத் திருநாள்: செப்டம்பர் 7
புனிதர் கிளவுட், ஒரு சிறந்த ஒப்புரவாளரும், துறவியும், மடாதிபதியுமாவார்.
இவரது தந்தை, “ஓர்லியன்ஸ்” (Orléans) நாட்டு அரசர் “க்ளோடோமெர்” (King Chlodomer) ஆவார். தாயாரின் பெயர், “குன்தெயுக்” (Guntheuc) ஆகும். இவர், பாரிஸ் நகரில் தமது பாட்டியார் புனிதர் “க்லோட்டில்ட்” (Saint Clotilde) அவர்களால் வளர்க்கப்பட்டார். இவருக்கு இரண்டு சகோதரர்கள் இருந்தனர். இவர்களது மாமன் “முதலாம் க்லோட்டேய்ர்” (Clotaire I) இவர்கள் மூவரையும் அரசியல் படுகொலை செய்ய சதித் திட்டம் தீட்டி காத்திருந்தார்.
ஒன்பது மற்றும் பத்தே வயதான இவரின் சகோதரர்களான “தியோடொல்ட்” (Theodoald) மற்றும் “குந்தர்” (Gunther) இருவரும் மாமனின் சதிக்கு இரையாகி இறந்தனர். ஆனால், கிளவுட் மாமனின் சதியிலிருந்து தப்பி, ஃபிரான்ஸின் பண்டைய தென்கிழக்கு பிராந்தியமான “ப்ரோவேன்ஸ்” (Provence) சென்றார்.
அரியணை சுகத்தை வெறுத்த கிளவுட், புனிதர் “செவெரினஸ்” (Saint Severinus of Noricum) என்பவரின் சீடராகவும் தபசியாகவும் சிரத்தையுடன் கற்றார். இவருடைய சிகிச்சை முறை மற்றும் ஆலோசனைகளைப் பெறுவதற்காக அநேகர் இவரை நாடி வந்தனர். பின்னர் பாரிஸ் நகர் திரும்பிய கிளவுடை மக்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் வரவேற்றனர்.
பெரும்பாலான மக்களின் கோரிக்கைகளை ஏற்று, பாரிஸ் நகர ஆயர் “யூசிபியஸ்” (Bishop Eusebius of Paris) கி.பி. 551ம் ஆண்டு, கிளவுடை கத்தோலிக்க குருவாக அருட்பொழிவு செய்தார். அதன்பிறகு இவர் சில காலம் திருச்சபைக்கு சேவை செய்தார்.
இவர், “வெர்செய்ல்ஸ்” (Versailles) பிராந்தியத்தில், “செய்ன்” (Seine) நதிக்கரையோரம், “நோவிஜென்டம்” (Novigentum) எனும் கிராமத்தில் ஒரு துறவு மடத்தினை கட்டினார். தமது அரச சொத்துக்கள் அனைத்தையும் விற்று, நாட்டிலிருந்த ஏழைகளுக்கு பகிர்ந்தளித்தார். தமது அண்டை நாட்டிற்கும் உதவி செய்தார். பலரின் வாழ்வில் ஒளியேற்றிய கிளவுட், ஒன்றுமில்லாதவராய் இறைவனை மட்டுமே சொத்தாகக் கொண்டார். பின்னர் இறைவனை இதயத்தில் ஏற்றவராய் தனது 38வது வயதில் இறைவனடி சேர்ந்தார்.
† Saint of the Day †
(September 7)
✠ St. Cloud ✠
Abbot and Confessor:
Born: 522 AD
Died: 560 AD
Nogent-sur-Seine, France
Venerated in:
Roman Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
Major Shrine: Saint-Cloud, France
Feast: September 7
Against Carbuncles; Nail Makers; Diocese of Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Saint Clodoald, better known as Cloud, was the son of King Chlodomer of Orléans and his wife Guntheuc.
Saint Cloud was born in 522 A.D. He was the grandson of Clovis, the founder of the Kingdom of the Franks, and his wife Saint Clothilde. Following the death of his parents, Cloud and his two brothers were cared for by their grandmother, Saint Clothilde, the widowed queen. Upon his father’s death, Cloud’s uncles sought to seize his father’s throne by plotting the murder of Cloud and his two brothers. They succeeded in killing his brothers, but Saint Cloud escaped and sought sanctuary with Saint Remigius, the Bishop of Rheims, located a short distance from Paris. And so, Cloud grew from childhood into young manhood under the guidance and protection of the holy bishop and his sainted grandmother.
Little is known of Cloud’s life from the age of five until eighteen. He lived most of those years with the Bishop of Rheims, and the latter years with Saint Severin, a hermit. During these formative years, he drew closer to God through silence and solitude. Although this lifestyle was forced upon him by his uncles’ plot to murder him, Cloud grew to appreciate his separation from the world and a life of silence.
At the age of twenty, Saint Cloud left his hermitage, appeared before the Bishop of Paris surrounded by religious and civic leaders and members of the royal family — his royal family. Remember, Cloud was a prince and heir to the throne! He clothed himself in royal robes and carried scissors in one hand and a coarse garment in the other. He offered the coarse garment to the bishop who clothed him with it as a symbol of his preferred “spiritual” rather than “material” riches. With the scissors, the bishop cut Cloud’s long hair, which was a symbol of his royalty. In the silence and solitude of his hermitage, Cloud had established priorities in his life. He had learned the difference between true and false pleasures.
After Saint Severin the hermit died, Cloud left the neighbourhood of Paris to find solitude deeper in the forest. He sought silence to communicate with God more intimately as he prayed for the needs of people. God answered his prayers in a strange sort of way by sending people out to find him in the forest. They came by the hundreds because they learned that Cloud had the gift of healing the bodies and souls of the afflicted. His was a ministry of healing and reconciliation.
Cloud lived eleven years as a hermit. During those years, he spent time poring over the Scriptures. These were not idle years for the prince who had fled the royal court for a life devoted to Christ! For this reason artists throughout the centuries have portrayed Cloud holding a bible.
Although Cloud shared many gifts with others, there was one gift he could not share — the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. People recognized this, and many urged Eusebius, Bishop of Paris, to ordain the hermit-prince a priest. The bishop complied, and in 551 A.D. Cloud has ordained a priest for the Church of Paris. He became pastor of a small village consisting of poor men and women who fished in the river and farm families in a small village near Paris. Today, the village (now a suburb of Paris) is called Saint-Cloud.
In the village, Saint Cloud used his gifts of healing, counselling, preaching and celebrating the Eucharist in ministry to the people. As time passed, the uncles of Saint Cloud repented of their sin and reconciled themselves with their nephew. They, in turn, restored many castles, estates and lands to Cloud. As a hermit, he sold some of these properties and distributed his wealth to the poor. He received permission from Bishop Eusebius to use a small portion of that wealth to build a church with his own hands, and he dedicated it to Saint Martin of Tours.
Cloud radiated that deep joy of a Christian heart in love with God. Others recognized this in Cloud and came to live near him. In time, he became a leader and teacher of those who joined him. They formed a religious community, not like a convent or monastery, but an association of persons dedicating themselves to the love of God and service to God’s people. For the last seven years of his life, Saint Cloud lived in this community attached to the Church of Saint Martin of Tours. Surrounded by the community, he died serenely on September 7, 560 A.D., at age 38.
On September 12, 1891, after Bishop Otto Zardetti consulted with the priests, religious and laypeople of our newly created diocese, Pope Leo XIII named Saint Cloud the patron saint of the Church of Saint Cloud, MN. Since that time our diocesan patron has been honoured each year on his feast day, September 7. Saint Cloud is also the patron saint of the St. Cloud Hospital.
In May 1922, Joseph F. Busch, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud, was present in Saint Cloud, France, for the 14th centenary of the birth of Saint Cloud, the patron saint of the city. At or around that time, Bishop Busch ordered a statue of the saint to be carved by the French artist, M. Tourmoux. It was to reside at the new St. Cloud Hospital in Saint Cloud, MN. The statue of Saint Cloud arrived in Minnesota in October 1927 and was placed over the altar in the St. Cloud Hospital chapel.
A painting of Saint Cloud now hangs in the entryway of the Diocese of Saint Cloud’s Chancery in St. Cloud, MN. Another statue of the patron saint sits in the Bishop’s office in the Chancery.

♥️கத்தோலிக்க தூதன் (Catholic Voice) குடும்பத்தில் இணைந்திடுங்கள்♥️

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